allergy, immunology, pollen grains, road treesAbstract
Seven road trees, four deciduous and three evergreens, commonly planted in Alexandria streets, have been chosen to investigate their pollen protein contents and some element compositions as an allergy inducing particles. The chosen trees are Bauhinia variegate, Casia javanieca, Parkinsonia aculeate, Peltophorum roxburghii, Delonix regii, Croton cotinifolia, and Jacaranda mimosifolia. The pollen grains have been gathered during the period of July till November 2019, acetolyzed and described, meanwhile non-acetolyzed pollen grains have been sputtered on Aluminum stubs and coated with Gold for SEM examination and photographs. Pollen grains have been smeared onto glass slides, stained and photographed for protein contents evaluations. Mineral contents have been estimated using X-ray analyses. The results have been discussed according to their stimulation to the immune system causing symptoms of allergy. The amount of both mineral and protein contents depends on pollen-specific characteristics such as their density, dispersion, and profusion. The results obtained indicated that many factors inducing allergic diseases and affect the immune system as environmental conditions include climate change, temperature, humidity, air pollution and loss of biodiversity. This stimulant beside the exposure to submicronic particles may be causes the stimulation of the immune system and result in suffering diseases and breath difficulty and asthmatic conditions.
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