Arabika coffee, vannamei shrimp shell, body scrub, Tween 60, Span 60Abstract
Body Scrub is a cosmetic treatment that works to help lift dead skin cells. Coffee can serve as a scrubbing ingredient, while shrimp shells contain chitosan that is useful for smoothing the skin. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in the concentration of Tween 60-Span 60 as an emulgator on Arabica coffee powder body scrub formulation with vannamei shrimp shells (Litopenaeus vannamei). The body scrub formulation uses 15% Arabica coffee bean powder and 3% vannamei shrimp shells and a variation in the concentration of Tween 60-Span 60. namely F1 (1.5: 0.5%), F2 (1%:1%), and F3 (0.5%: 1.5%). Formula evaluation tests include organoleptics tests, homogeneity tests, pH tests, dispersion tests, adhesion tests and cream type tests. Furthermore, a stability test was carried out using the cycling test method for 6 cycles. The data was analyzed using the One Way Anova test followed by the Tukey HSD test. The results of statistical analysis in the spreadability and stickiness tests showed that there was an influence of variations in the concentration of Tween 60-Span 60 in F2 and F3 with the significance value for both formulas being 0.985 for the positive control. The stability test shows a stable formula at changes in storage temperature. It can be concluded that the best emulgator concentration for the body scrub formula in this study is the ratio of Tween 60-Span 60 1%:1% and 0.5%:1.5%.
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